Anti-Obesity Medication - A Doctor’s Insights

Antiobesity medications, while offering promise in the battle against weight management, will bring about many questions and considerations. Their efficacy, potential side effects, long-term impacts, and suitability bring inquiries among healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Questions may arise regarding the balance between benefits and risks, the need of lifestyle modifications alongside medication, and the sustainability of weight loss achieved.

Dr. Laza shares his insight on these anti-obesity medications.

What's Approved: The medications approved by the FDA are backed by evidence and can be helpful alongside lifestyle changes for weight loss.

  1. Long-Term Use: Just like with medicines for conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, you might need to keep taking these weight loss medications for a long time to keep the weight off.

  2. Cost Concerns: Many insurance plans in the US don't cover these weight loss medications, so you might have to pay for them yourself. It's important to think about this when deciding which medication to try.

  3. Choosing the Right Medication: Different medications work differently for people, and they vary in how well they work, how much they cost, and what side effects they might have. Your doctor will help you pick the one that's best for you.

  4. Starting Slowly: Your doctor might start you on a low dose of the medication and then increase it slowly based on how your weight changes and if you have any side effects.

  5. Evaluating Progress: If you haven't lost more than 5% of your weight in 3 to 6 months on the medication, your doctor might suggest trying something else.

  6. Improving Health: These medications can also help improve other health issues like high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar control, which is especially important if you have diabetes or heart problems."

If you have any specific questions, thinking about taking them or want help from a doctor, please call our office and schedule an appointment today!


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